
Matt Helders

Since you can't physically be in love with abstract concepts, ie music, you fall in love wit their tangible equivalents- musicians. I have a huge band crush on Arctic Monkeys, but part of my heart belongs to that treasure of an artist, Matt Helders. He's the drummer/back-up singer. His talent is admirable and mannerisms adorable. I really have tons of respect for drummers in the first place, and I feel like their talents are consistently overlooked by everyone. They set the speed and deliver they dynamics for the song. First off, you have to be a bad a baller to play those sick beats he does, and a s hard as he does. He harmonizes perfectly with Alex Turner, who is Captain of the English Singer Dream Boat, and does it effortlessly with fun and poise. He's sort of the dork of the band, which to me, is all the more attractive. He only wears sweat pants. Seriously. And, he's a bit chubby, and his hair is short and basic. You're thinking, ;how does that make him dorky? Look at the rest of the band- their fashion geniuses. So, this is my love letter to you Matt. You couldn't have a more devoted fan, I wish you the best of luck.

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