
Why I love my Church

I've been at New Covenant for about a year and a half now, and all I can say is the journey has been incredible. I'm so blessed to have this part of my life enriched and restored. I am excited for what God is doing and will continue to do with NC, and I can't wait to watch it unfold. The reasons why I love my church are simple, yet very profound at the same time. I don't know of many groups of believers like these, and I am humbled to sit amongst them. So- here go the reasons.

5.) The 90's are back and they don't even know it.

From the lion king worship ballads to the light brown wooden furniture to the tan colored everything, our church's aesthetic is as 1990 as it can get. This is AWESOME. First of all, this style is coming back in full force in the next few years, and why wouldn't it? The 90's were a great, simpler time when everyone was tired of the loud, flashy, cheesy 80's. Everyone liked things plain, clean, and if they did something, it meant something, (with exception to grunge). Those principles seem to be etched into the floorboards of New Covenant. That's just the thing too. Its never been a concern of NC to be trendy, and cool, and hip- they just want things simple and nice so everyone can focus on the main attraction: Jesus. Its not that my church doesn't care about being relevant, its just they want Jesus to be relevant. The building is well designed and clean, and even though the stage and walls may lackluster, none of the people in there came for the walls.

4.) Free donuts!

I'm Dave Row's daughter how could I not like free food? On a serious note however, I love that our church has free pastries and coffee every week. You don't have to wait in line to pay for any of it and be totally consumed and distracted by your meal. They treat you like grown-ups and let you drink/eat in the sanctuary if you didn't quite finish. And you get a chance to fellowship with all the church members. This is an old tactic that churches have been using since Jesus' time, so why change a good thing? With everyone eating free food and talking together, it puts everyone at the same level. And anyone who might be grumpy during the service because they're hungry, will instead enter God's place of worship with a satisfied stomach and a full heart.

3.) Did the pastor really just say that?

I never know what my dad is going to say in the pulpit. Not that he ever says anything sacrilegious or distasteful or wicked or obscene, its just he is bold. Many issues are heated, or pressing, or just plain difficult to talk about, but that never stops my dad from addressing them. His boldness comes from his absolute trust in our Lord, Jesus Christ. He will never back down from saying something that needs to be said, even if he's scared. My dad isn't some crazy radical offensive preacher who enrages his congregation, he's a pretty funny guy. Jokes are in his nature. Maybe someone would argue his joking is too much, and they wish he was more serious. However, every week when I leave church, I have a burning in my heart- a call to action to change something in me, or in the world around me. I am convicted and restored every week. If I can be convicted and pressed to impact the world even though I am Dave's daughter and know more about him than most, I know everyone else in that building has the same burning in their hearts.

2.) You're just a friend I haven't met yet.

New Covenant is so stinking nice! Seriously, I've never been surrounded by a friendlier group of people. And its not that everyone is inviting me over to their house and calling me and were all best friends and I think they might be brainwashed, no its a completely awesome experience. Imagine walking into a room full of people you don't know, but you can tell for some reason that they all love you, and each other, and that they're happy to see you. Its like going to a huge family reunion where you don't know most of your relatives, and all they want to do is say hi and give you a big hug, and you don't have to talk to them unless you want to. And no one gives you creepy vibes and everyone looks genuinely happy to be there. When I sit in service, everyone is attentive and has a glow about them, and when I laugh or feel stirred by the message, I look around and can tell everyone else feels the same way I do. The church does everything together. If one person stands up for worship, we're all going to stand. If one person sits, its the same thing. It is the most united group of believers I've seen. And it doesn't bother me at all that most of the people there aren't my age. I see enough young people at school, and there will be a time for younger gen's here. Anyways, the believers of NC are outstanding.

1.) Jesus is alive!
In every insignificant detail of New Covenant, you can see Jesus. We don't have Jesus posters everywhere, or scripture or other relics dispersed around the church, but he is reaching out his loving arms from every person's heart. I see him here. He truly is running this church, and everyone in that building is working to protect  that blessing. I am so overwhelmed by the beauty and goodness of the people congregating around me, and I am so proud and honored to call New Covenant my home. Its scary to leave a church for another, and not know what to expect from the people, but when you remember the reason why we're all going to church and the hope that is in every believer's heart, all those fears are cast into the depths of the sea. So, I'm not too sure what Jesus has planned for us here, but I know were all up for the challenge, and I know he has great things in store.

Thats it! Come visit New Covenant and see for yourself. If you don't want to, thats cool, but if you ever wonder how we're doing over here, here's your answer. <3 br="" nbsp="">

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