
Haunted Souls Know

What was written on your face when she walked out that door?
I know its not fair of me to ask and your pain has grown old
I think about that look and long for your face
If I was her I would have looked back and saved it 
Seen the pain in your soul through your eyes
I would never ask it of you, for I will see it one day soon
It will disgust you, but I still must say 
That the look of sorrow and despair 
Is what sends me to the grave of love

The first man, my slender man
Looked at me that way when I was fresh and young
I hadn’t been the one to break his heart
But when we were done, before my time had come
He opened up his broken heart for me to see
He couldn’t be helped
But I wanted him so desparately 
I had found my love grew strong in the wakes of another’s hollow heart

And those hot summer nights
With my Egyptian King
He was more of a petty young boy with a vacant soul
I used all my magic to make his sorrow come from me
I wanted him to despair from my adoration
Like the foolish, plain woman who ruined him before I came
“Love doesn’t work like that”
The enchantress in my heart swallowed her flames and left him
Far away, forgotten, before he could even taste the ashes 

And the others- countless casualties
Of my livid desire to perfect the art of ruining a man
Not through seduction, not through manipulation, not through chastity
But through the unholy flames of persuasion
The darkest magic that is purified with each broken man’s blood
Their sorrow disgusted me- it was mine to keep
But none was worthy of adorning my unhappy crown

What are you looking for, my Shaman, my shapeshifter in the night?
You are a nomad roaming the desolate battlefields of broken men
It wouldn’t take long for me to take you captive in this dark realm I own
I couldn’t keep you for long- that’s not your way
But you could stay- I’ll make a sacrifice for a safe passage
I dare you- take me captive-imprison my soul
We cannot change the past
No matter how powerful our magic arts might be
But you could stay here with me 
And make this dark night last forever



To die in slumber would be a horrible death
Have you ever slept with me?
Did you check?
If I pulled back the blinds while you were lying fast asleep
I wouldn't recall my deeds
But the monsters conversing with me, forcefully
Would concur, indeed
That you haven't seen me sleep
Let alone climb into my dreams

Under spells of slumber and bodily chemistry
Suppressed under sleep nearing REM
I'm too asleep to set myself free
These walls have caged me in
Supernatural superstition exists beyond reality
Where men's faulty minds roam free
It's dangerous for an introvert like you
Like me

Lucidity is power
Control the mind's alternate realm
Embrace superstition
Shake the fabric of time reality confines us in
Stare at the empty mirror
Fight to stay awake
Don't be a helpless victim
Left to die alone in your own dreamscape



I believe in everyone retaining the rights to their own ideas, beliefs, processing methods, and dreams. In that, free thinking and open dialogue should be essential in preserving these rights. They should also be a pleasure and a point for personal growth and development for those engaging in such dialogue. However, this notion of collective individualism and free thinking has become a point of contingency impeding the very dialogue it should induce! This, unfortunately, comes from categorizing people into "open-minded" and "closed minded"groups.

Often times, people learn that I am a Christian. Either they have known me for a while and I share this fact with them or I tell them in initial greetings. After they have learned this fact, people begin to assess my behaviors in a different way. Generally what people tell me is "I can't believe you're a christian!" Or, "Wow, it's cool that you're so open minded." If they're christian, I usually hear "Its so nice to work with/be friends with someone who thinks like me/shares my values." While I am deeply flattered by these generous assessments, I also have been challenged by them.

The idea and principle of being open minded is wholesome and positive. I am all for it. I like to consider myself a free thinker. But the context in which the terms open and closed minded are used is what troubles me. People who call me "open minded" have an implicit attachment to the term "for someone who is religious." I can understand from a shallow analysis that religion has produced behaviors in poeple (in many cases) resembling group, limiteid thinking, behaviors that many attach "closed minded" to. But why has this idea of "closed minded" people been soley ascribed to those in religion?

Everyone, everyone on this planet has societal, market, communal, and political forces shaping and pushing their views on everything! Who can truly say that every decision they have made that shapes their worldview has been made after careful and equal analysis of all opposing veiwpoints, void of all environmental bias? Not one person can argue this.

With that being said, it is fair to conclude that everyone has a certain degree of personal bias and social influence that predisposes them to some ideas quicker than others. So what behavior must take place in order for an individual to be seen as open minded? Well, essentially what people want to see is an open communication channel on worldview and lifestyle decisions. This is demonstrated through conversation. If there are disagreements between two person's individual beliefs, ideally, what would happen would be for each person to listen to the other, discuss reasons for disagreement, and see if any value can be added or changed after this discussion to each person's worldviews.

In order to be open minded, a person should be resectful of all opinions and lifestyles of each individual. However those who associate themselves with the "open minded" are close minded to "close minded" individuals and are close minded in their treatment and dialogues with them! Issues like gay marriage, abortion, healthcare, religious freedom and the like are prime playgrounds for blame passing and judgement. For example, if someone has an opinion that abortion is wrong in all cases other than rape and incess, they are seen as "close minded" and are not given the chance to open up in dialogue with the person of a differing viewpoint.

Just because a person is religious does not mean they can't engage in fair, analytical inquiry of their opinions. Just because a person is not religious does not mean they are inheritantly openminded. Everyone has the capacity to accept and refute ideas at different levels of engagement and cognition.

SO. I propose something else for those of us who think ourselves to be openminded and free thinkers. Rather than using this description to label, segregate, and judge others, we should use it to assess ourselves. If you truly want to be open minded, you must first decide, not necessicarily that everyone's opinions and reasons thusly are valid, but that every human being is valid. Every person you come in contact with is an individual, a member of humanity, and should be treated as someone worth value. Even on a basic human level- regardless of how irrational a person may seem- they are to be valued. After all, if you're the open minded one, you should be the one who can accept their differences and realize that they are part of the same species as you.

If you are able to treat people with this decent acceptance level, you should then be able to recognize their opinions and differences as learning oppertunites that help create value and meaning in your own life. If you are open minded, then every new person and disagreement should be readily welcomed as a chance to learn something from someone else. I'm not saying that you go out and immediately strike up conversation with people about heated topics every chance you get. I'm saying that you should embrace these conversations as they come into you're life.

No, its not easy. Yes, some people will get on your nerves. But the key to having an open mind is not trying to change others, its learning where they're coming from. Learn the congition processes and environmental forces shaping their worldview. Most importantly, being open minded means listening! Be a good listener. Let people speak. You don't have to agree with everything they're saying, you just have to show them that you respect them as a human being, and that you care enough about their opinion to hear what they have to say. Then, you may start to see people opening up their minds and show you what's working behind them. Prove people wrong! Show them love and caring they would never imagine in the world of debate and then you will not only start to see more clarity in your own lign of thought, but you will help the wheels start to turn in the minds of whom you listen.

If they don't want to hear your opinion, fine. That is their own choice. But respect them anyways. Know that as an open minded person, you are secure enough in your own reasoning that you don't need to superimpose it on all who disagree with you. If the thought of engaging in dialogue with people "way different" and "way too religious" for you is revolting, well, maybe you're not as open minded as you think. Being open minded is about releasing your pride and contempt for people of the world and discovering new life and expansive ideas that infuse meaning into your own line of thought. It is an exciting journey and process, but should never be used as a term to degrade and condemn others.

We aren't living in a world of open minded and closed minded thinkers. We're living in a world of people with brains and hearts and the oppertunity to discover and share them.


I keep my identity hidden as long as needed
Ambiguity is my closest friend
For now
I contradict any superstitions imposed
And keep my friends in the corner confined
I wish to burst fourth in freedom
In freedom release my soul from chains
These chains are not of my own invention
But rather
Designed by one who wishes me to remain
Perhaps I'll go insane

Until someone proves himself worthy
Of the sword that can cut my chains
Its imbedded in my soul and its composition heavy
But I have heard it is worth the stains
That make men bloody
I can endure the pain
Of freedom
Perhaps he'll see past my heavy breathing
And understand our lives'
Are weightless

Perhaps he'll dance with my alter egos
And introduce masks of his own
Perhaps he'll decode the superstitions
And cast me far away from this throne
This prison
Imagined love is dangerous and deadly
It wears away at his soul
But if he dives deep into the waters
Of eternity
He'll wakeup rebirthed and know
The metaphors
Are orchestrated in the garden of a lonely home
I need him

This need takes many forms
Like I do
It shapeshifts like those moonlit nights
But if he can endure his soul
And lusty passions
He won't wake up alone
Every hungry night
I do not need him now but I will need him soon
Perhaps I will practice flight
Until then
Perhaps I'll just die