
Force Fields

OMG this is like easy cheese cheesy.

So if you get grossed out, I'm sorry.

If you only like stinky cheese love crap, well sorry I'm just not refined in my analytical pallet yet.

Of the analogies pertaining to love- there are two I'm well aquainted with. The love chemistry and the love magnetism. I believe in magnetic love. Its the better love science. We all have romantic forcefields that attract and repell people, some are stronger than others, but only one person will be your magnetic opposite. That is not to say opposites attract, but someone's love forcefield will be equally as pulling to yours as yours is to them.

You will attract and repell many people. Some people with great romantic forcefields will attract all sorts of people, but I'm waiting for that person who just sticks. That I'm pulled so fast to that I can't stop it from happening. Someone I don't have to force myself to. Someone who gravitates towards me so tremendously that we can't be separated. Its one of the strongest bonds achievable when the forces are strong. Equal but opposite. Equal. Love

Love I know your out there.

I ain't in no hurry babe. But as for you guys, fall back. I already know weak magnets.

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