

I don't know about you guys, but 2011 was a huge bummer for music. Granted, there were a few widely anticipated albums such as Drake's Take Care (which delivered),  The Strokes Angles, Bon Iver's self titled album, and newly popular Black Keys with their "El Camino", but overall I was dissatisfied.

 My dissatisfaction derived from a more personal preference that appeals more towards this 2012 year. I don't know though, 2011 just felt weird. The top charting songs, the reviews and energy of the music industry ebbs and flows, carrying an endless stream of musical talent towards different horizons of success. Where stuff flowed in 2011 seemed out of balance and place. Some artists with enormous talent wern't ready to put out there stuff yet, and the ones that were just put it out at strange points in the year, or were touring in europe, or I just wasn't that into. Does that make sense? Prolly not.

LATES 2011
like 6 months ago

HERES WHATS HAPPENING IN 2012 OMG SO PUMPED (im so pumped. did I mention I'm so pumped?)
 First Aid Kit's The Lion's Roar. This angelic Swedish duo came out with another album of deep, heartfelt lyrics. This album maintains there folky style, but with extreme vocal and instrumental strength, coupled with powerful and invoking lyrics. The album is not only complete, it is tightly woven. beautiful!!!!

Nicki Minaj's Roman Reloaded  gives the general public a thurough taste of their pop princess' artistry. Most people haven't been exposed to "Roman", and didn't see Nicki and Barbie as separate musical entites within Nicki Minaj, and I think this album offers more knowledge on this interesting quirk. She is a performance genius, she's dominant but feminine, she's energetic and commanding, and she certainly does what she wants. However, I don't love the super poppy songs. I was excited because I though this album was going to be all Roman, but in truth, this album was more about Barbie. Barbie makes the money for Nicki, so its understandable. Either way, she's still one of my favorite female artists.

Best Coast's The Only Place is increadibly lovely and heartfelt. Bethany Cosentino has recently come into a lot of fame, she's had a lot going on in her life, and this album is notibly somber comparred to the first album. It has a clearer sound, she slows down the rythym, there are more minor notes, and she really pours out her heart. She maintains the same beachy rock style that is Best Coast, and has some peppy songs for sure, but I really appreciate the refinement in this album, that shows her journey as an artist and woman.

Beach House's Bloom, is so perfect. I love when artists do a darker album, and this album is exactly that. I don't know, there in my top five favorite artists of all time. Victoria Legrand is my role model. Dreamy, haunting, amazing composition, deep and poetic lyrics, I drown in their music. This album was of no suprise to me, but for some reason, everyone really likes this album- especially people who couldn't get into beach house before.

Coming Soon--- (in 2012)

GRIZZLY BEAR's new album
THE XX's new album

need I say more friends? I am so spanking pumped <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 cheers

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