
Loving Music

This is my biggest hobby. It probably isn't right, yet I am still prideful in my connection to this unique social/linguistic dynamic of the English society. I don't want to get into any philosophical verbatim surrounding this phenomena, I just want to get straight to application. The most intense musical experiences can happen in a variety of ways, in different settings, but here is one of my favorite ways to experience music.
side note. I love music. love love love it. yep, I can ascribe actual love to this intangible idea (music).
 Here you go. A secret to enjoying the music you listen to, and doing so with more of you.
1. headphones. gooooooooood ones. Dewd, ones that allow each instrument, chord, breakdown, lyric to be articulated with clarity and dynamic. Ones that actually transport you away from reality.
2. Then, put your ipod on shuffle. Ok... this will only work well if you absolutely love everything you own. If you don't,  create a quick playlist with maybe 20 artists and a good 60 to 200 songs. (the more, the better) then, shake it up! (thats the physical cue to shuffle your songs. You should have your headphones on by now.)
3. Have your bed made, your sheets smelling good... not just neutral, GOOD smelling, and adjust the lighting to suit your mood. Usually a softer lighting works better for this exercise. If you're really cool, you'll light a few good smelling candles, and let that warm, subtle light tranquilize your mind.
4. Lay down. Have all your extremities naturally separated, and lie as flat as possible, and try to focus on slowing down your breathing, making each cycle more meaningful. Then, pick a focal point for you to gaze upon.... usually a speck or something on your ceiling will suffice.
5. By now, your well on your way to getting lost in the music, you've already calmed your mind, relaxed your body, and the only concern you have right now is on appreciating the music taking control of you. Then, thats when you feel the music. Crazy, dumb, chiche, lame, or awesome.. whatever you wanna call it, here's what happens. You think about where you feel the music. Some songs, cords, even lyrics will make you fell differently. Sometimes you'll feel it in your toes, or sliding on your arms, or dizzying your head, or piercing your heart, I'm serious. Its a physical, cerebral, emotional, transcendental experience to allow yourself to get lost in music. I can't describe it any better than that, you have to try it for yourself <3 Mon Coeur

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